Educational Board Games
Family-friendly board games that are ALSO educational
Over the years we have collected a variety of board games. Some of them we have discovered are educational in such an informal way that our children were learning before we even realized it. Many of these board games are for kids of all ages and they are games that will help your homeschool educational world. Anything from math to geography, these games are kid-friendly and sure to teach without your kids even realizing it!
Whether you are looking for a fun rainy-day activity or an intentional supplement to learning a concept, board games are a timeless treasure to help that. What are some of the family-favorite games you play that also teach a concept? For us, Scrabble has helped with spelling, Ticket to Ride has helped with geography and Sequence has helped with math pattern recognition.
Some of our favorites:
- Chess (strategy)
- Scrabble (spelling)
- Ticket to Ride (geography)
- Sequence (math/patterns)
- Monopoly (math/strategy)
- Euchre/card games (probability)
- Yahtzee (math)
These are just to name a few, and there are plenty more. Join us and explore the many board games that can educate while also having fun learning. From big name classics to more obscure specialty games, we will dive into a plethora of excitement and perhaps you may find your next adventure for game night!