Board Games

Board Games

Board games can teach so many life rules that you can use for the future – for job, civil duties and so much more.

A love and hobby born out of boredom…

Over a decade ago, our family had no internet and only two T.V. channels. What could our ever-growing young and energetic family do to pass the time on those rainy days or holidays? Board games. A love and hobby was born. Since that first Christmas together, every year around our anniversary and Christmas, we research and buy another board game. It might be a classic board game (Scrabble, Yahtzee, Clue) or it might be strategy (Dominion, Star Realms, Descent) or we may just dive into the unknown and try an unknown game completely.

Back in the day with board games…

When Zach and I were newly married, we were both in college and poor. Some of our first years we had very little to do to pass the time when we weren’t tirelessly working on school studies. Our first year we started with two board games – Dominion and Ticket to Ride. We found they were fun, interactive and exciting. Both our personalities (INTJ and ENFP) love new things. So a love was born. Since that first year we have since collected over 50 board games. No matter what the difficulty level is, we research, watch tutorial videos on the game and then buy it for the family to try. It’s been our source of family connectedness over the last decade and also brings a whole lot of joy to gather around the table and dive into a new adventure.

They aren’t just games, they are a family adventure…

Sometimes we stumble across that board game that accomplishes the “triforce” power of all three boredom busters: fun, challenging and educational. We are here to take a dive (with a little help from our munchkins) into our favorite board games and maybe you will find your next rainy day adventure.

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