Surviving At Home

Surviving At Home

Balancing Your Homeschool Life

Our family of five – surviving homeschool

Homeschooling is the best decision you will ever make. It’s challenging, it’s fun and it’s REWARDING.

Dive in. I’ll show you just how awesome it can be.

Stacks of dishes and stacks of papers…life is rough with three kids sometimes. This is how our family of five survives and balances the joys and challenges of homeschooling, work and everyday living.

Homeschooling is a learning experience for the parent just as much as the child, just in different ways. Flexibility and adaptation are key because children are just that. They change constantly. Just when you think you have everything figured out, they have a new favorite toy or they grow three inches taller or suddenly dislike a food they used to eat everyday. What do you do when that happens?

Intimidated by homeschooling?

  • Do you feel like you’re just surviving at home?
  • Did you homeschool because you have that child that is just different?
  • Not sure where to begin or how to even organize your day?
  • Are you already a seasoned homeschooler and ready to pull your hair out?
  • Need ideas to spice up your everyday grind?

Concerned you won’t be able to teach your child well enough or explain what they need? Will you be able to meet the criteria required to help your child or children succeed?

Our daily homeschool life is anything but typical…

Only a decade in and we have had our fair share of ups and downs in the homeschool world. For many years, we had young children, and we weren’t sure where to start or what resources would work. Pressing the “go” button was a scary idea. What if the kids were too young? Did we have the necessary requirements or curriculum?

Our daily homeschool life is anything but typical but we love it. Hoping that we can give you a few pointers, some concrete resources and some funny anecdotes to mix into your everyday homeschool world.

Life is messy, so stop by, stick your feet in the mud and have some fun.

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