The Way My Child Learns
Every child is different, whether you homeschool or not…
Each child has their own personality type and temperament. You may have first hand knowledge of this crazy wonder when it comes to having multiple children under the same roof. You start to question if you are all even related. For us, we have three boys and they are all wildly different from each other. Since the time that I can remember, Zach and I have been fascinated by personality typing and temperaments. Maybe that is the minister in him or the teacher in me, but regardless, we love studying people. So naturally, we wanted to learn about how others learn so we could be better teachers and parents ourselves.
What is personality and temperament typing?
There are many websites and books on personality type and behaviors etc. Here are just a few we will dive into and explain how they help us teach, grow and challenge each other in homeschooling and in everyday relationships.
- The Way They Learn
- Enneagram
- The 5 Love Languages
- Type A/ Type B
- Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert
- Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic
- Newer Theory- Attachment Styles
There are many personality typing websites and books out there…
We’ve read a lot of books. We could blame it on our analytical, well-read parents or maybe just that we are naturally hungry for more information. Frankly, with Zach being an INTJ, information is never in short supply for our home. If we don’t know it, there’s always a book to be bought to explain it. There are some personality forums that are more active than others. Some more in-depth and helpful. The point is, that they have helped us both teach better and be better people. By learning about other personality types, it takes the focus off self and onto what you can do to react and approach another person.
Personality type and ways you (and child) learn…
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- 16 Personality types
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What do you prefer?
- What choices do you make?
- How do you think?
The Way They Learn
Perception & Organization by Cynthia Tobias
- How we learn
- How we concentrate
- How we understand
- How we process
- Our intelligence
9 Interconnected personality types
- Type 1-9
- Helper, Giver
- Protector or Loyalist
- Romantic or Epicurian
- What is your fear and desire?
- What motivates or drives you?
The 5 Love Languages
The Way We Love and Feel Loved by Dr. Gary Chapman Ph.D.
- Words of Affirmation
- Touch
- Gift Giving
- Qulaity Time
- Acts of Service
Type A/Type B
The way you react to stress
- Type A: competitive, time driven, intense
- Type A: Usually firstborn children
- Type B: relaxed, easy going
- Type B: low stress, easy going, possible last born child
Where you gain energy
- Introvert: inner self
- Introvert: energy from indoor recharge
- Extrovert: outer self
- Extrovert: energy from people
The way you gather new information
- Auditory: Learn with hearing information
- Visual: Learn with visual examples/eeing
- Kinesthetic: Learn by motion/actions
Attachment Styles
What affects your fears
- Secure: Self-assured, direct, responsive
- Dismissive: Self-reliant, avoidant, distant
- Preoccupied: Self-doubting, anxious, sensitive
- Fearful: Self-sabotaging, unpredictable, isolated