What To Do If My Homeschool Child…
Homeschooling your child or children comes with challenges and rewards…
While homeschooling our three young kids, we have encountered challenges in teaching them, finding they are all very different from one another. Just as we think we have it all figured out our son starts to get behind on math or jumps ahead in science. He may skip over a lesson or need extra resources in history. Are your children fighting every day to complete just a simple worksheet and then they get bored or distracted easily? We understand.
Some weeks we spend all our extra time practicing and reviewing with our boys and then they still fail their test on Friday. What child doesn’t have strengths and weaknesses? As your child ages and progresses, new challenges arrive around every corner.

Your Homeschool Child…
Your homeschool child is unique. Teaching them may have good days and bad days. The fun part is that they have learned and adapted to you and your environment, and they may even act like a mini-you. So how does that influence your teaching each day? With your child being their own unique person, they have strengths and weaknesses that influence that daily educational flow.
Are they easily frustrated? Do they have ADHD? Simply unmotivated about every subject and you aren’t sure if they will ever find their drive or expertise? You aren’t alone. There are challenges in every school day. With a few modifications and resources you can achieve success. Many first steps require a change of approach and changing your mentality to figure out how your child is learning and processing.

Many learning styles and many approaches…
In our young family, we have many complex personalities with wildly different learning styles. One of our sons, the middle child has ADHD, our youngest child never is challenged enough and our eldest who struggles with being challenged because everything comes so easily. However, trying to teach a multitude of subjects with all of that in the mix makes for a very complicated day but it’s not impossible. We know you can succeed with just a different approach and mentality.
The joy of homeschooling is flexibility in modifying..
Making modifications and approaching the material in a new way is what is so wonderful about homeschooling. It provides you that ability and benefit of “mixing it up” and helping your child meet success in possibly the most unlikely and unorthodox of ways.
Other Thoughts:
- What do I do if my child is advanced and easily bored?
- Obsessed with one particular subject?
- Easily frustrated and agitated?
- Lonely and/or reclusive?
Whatever your challenges and the personalities in your home, you are the best suited to help them learn and by learning more about who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses is, tailoring their learning can make a more successful homeschool journey for both parent and child.