Free Homeschool Printables by Subject
Free printables by subject that we have found or created. Here are some of our quick favorites to use in your everyday homeschool…
We have collected websites and free printables over the course of many years in homeschooling. As many homeschooling families do, we find our favorites and try to keep them organized in one place. This list will be a working list since we are always finding more resources and ideas as we teach.
Reading Freebies
For our reading subjects, we choose a book and do a basic journal with questions or free writing. For the classic and popular books, I have written out one question per page in the child’s notebook and as they get older, I increased the difficulty of question. Here are some of our favorites we’ve used over the years in elementary.

- Monte Cristo Book Questions
- James and Giant Peach Questions
- Giver Lesson Plan (TBA-created by me in college!)
- Reading Lists
- Book Report Template
Spelling Freebies
There are many ways to teach spelling but most of them come down to practicing, writing and memorization. Using some resources of my own I created a simple breakdown for spelling using these templates to keep me organized.
Organizational Freebies
History Freebies
As we discovered more good history resources, we collected some websites to make quick practice worksheets and activities. We also designed a working journal packet. All free below to download or look up and use.
Writing Freebies

- Journaling Questions
- Essay Samples
- Postcard Template
Art Freebies
From the Renaissance to Modern Art, we are collecting some of our favorite printables and websites below that we used for the art lessons. What I like most about these printables are the easy click and use options.